Learn Math App An interactive way to learn elementary Math

Make your child learn numbers, and basic arithmetic calculations, in a fun way thereby improving their Math skills.

  • Real-time progress report Real-time
    progress report
  • Concepts based app Concepts
    based app
  • Easy to use Math learning app Easy to use
    Math learning app
Learn Math App Learn Math App

Learn Math App

Learn Math App is a free, basic mathematical operation learning app for children from 1st to 8th grade and above. Using this interactive mathematics app kids can learn elementary Math while they play. The app helps cover up the learning gaps and encourages children to learn numbers. Tap on any of the four operations and start answering the questions before the balloon falls. For every level cleared successfully a medal is rewarded this helps improve Math confidence and ability to learn addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.

All in One app

All in One app

This app is designed to teach kids of different ages about the four basic arithmetic operations.

Engaging MathApp

Engaging MathApp

In a single tap change from portrait to landscape, mute sound and see the number of medals earned.

Amazing Key Features

A comprehensive, fun, and interactive Math learning app that covers four basic operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and allows practicing Math at an individual pace.

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Elementary Mathematics Learning App

One of the best apps around to teach your kids Math facts (+, -, X, ÷), in a fun and engaging manner.

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Real-time Medal report

Give your child hands-on Math experience and look at real-time medal reports to encourage them.

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New Way to Tackle Math problems

Learn Math App focuses specifically on Math fact and fluency that helps memorize each fact & practice it.

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The perfect app for preschoolers

Until the balloon drops, answer the question as many times as you want. If it's still incorrect use lifelines.

Amazing Key Features
How Learn Math App Works?

How Learn Math App Works?

We have some easy steps!

1 Download Learn Math App
Download Learn Math App

Head to Google Play Store and search for Learn Math App. Tap Install to begin the installation process.

2 Pick any operations
Pick any operations

Tap on any of the four operations addition, subtractions, multiplication and division and start learning Maths.

3 Win Medals
Win Medals

Get a medal for each right answer, and boosts confidence to play more difficult levels.

Gallery - App Screenshots

Learn Math App is one of the best Math apps around for teaching children elementary Math facts and fluency.

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About app Features How Works? Gallery Download
Learn Math App
Learn Math App
Sharpen your Child’s Math Skills

Learn Math App will make your child fall in love with mathematical equations, numbers, basic operations, and brainstorming.

Learn Math App

Requires Android 5.1 and Above

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